Why Is Voting Important?
As citizens of the United States, we voice our needs and concerns through our vote. We the people vote for those who have the power to effect change in our local communities, state, and nation. Voting is your chance to voice what topics matter to you—make sure your voice is heard!
“I vote so that my rights are protected and my voice is heard.”
—Crystal Stephens, People On the Go Maryland member
“Voting is important to me so that my needs as a citizen are addressed. If I do not vote, I cannot be involved in what is happening.”
—Lianna Brown, People On the Go Maryland member
Information on Voting
What day is Election Day?
Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November, which means it falls between November 2 and November 8.
What are the three branches of the U.S. federal government?
Legislative—Makes laws (Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate)
Executive—Carries out laws (president, vice president, Cabinet, most federal agencies)
Judicial—Evaluates laws (Supreme Court and other courts)
How often do we vote for government officials?
Federal government officials:
President: every four years
Senators: every six years
House of Representatives: every two years
State of Maryland government officials:
Governor: every four years
State delegates and senators: every four years
How can I register to vote?
To register to vote in Maryland, you must be at least 16 years old, a U.S. citizen, and a resident of Maryland.
You can register to vote at:
Who represents me in Maryland?
The Maryland General Assembly website can help Marylanders find their senators and representatives.
Voting in Maryland for People with Disabilities
You have the right to an accessible polling place.
Call your local board of elections to find out if your voting site is accessible, or to request an accessible polling place assignment.
You have the right to cast your ballot privately, but voting support is available.
You can bring someone to help you vote as long as they are not your employer or another person from your employer, someone from any workers’ union you belong to, or a challenger or watcher. You can also have two election judges support you.
Here are some people that can support you when you vote:
Family member
Friend (outside of work)
Direct support professional
Accessible voting options
Mail-in ballot
Request a mail-in ballot, and be sure to check the box stating that you would like to print your ballot from the State Board of Elections website.
Blind or low vision
Voters who are blind or who have low vision can use an audio ballet, headset, and keypad to cast their vote. High-contrast and large-print settings are also available on the voting machines.
Having difficulty voting?
If you are having difficulty voting, contact Disability Rights Maryland’s (DRM) Voter Hotline:
(410) 727-6352, ext. 2492; (800) 233-7201, ext. 2492
TTY: (410) 727-6387
Alternately, you may email the DRM voting advocate, Samuela Ansah.
Are you an election judge?
If you are an election judge, this guide will help you work with voters with disabilities.
During Election Cycles
Find your polling place
Use this online tool to help you find your polling place.
Important dates to know
Deadline to register to vote
For Gubernatorial Primary Election: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
For Gubernatorial General Election: Tuesday, October 18, 2022
You can also register to vote on Election Day, November 8, 2022, but it is recommended to register to vote earlier
Deadline to mail in ballot
Ballot must be postmarked by 8 p.m. on Election Day, November 8, 2022
Deadline to return ballot in person
8 p.m. on November 8, 2022
Deadline to vote in person
November 8, 2022
Early voting timeframe
October 27, 2022–November 3, 2022
More Information
For more information on all things voting, visit the Maryland Elections page.