Legislative Archive
People On the Go Maryland (People On the Go) focuses on a specific legislative platform each year in the Maryland State Legislative Sessions. Below is an archive of recent years’ platforms.
2017 Legislative Platform
People on the Go of Maryland, the statewide advocacy group for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, imagines a state where all people regardless of their disability have full community and civic participation so that they can pursue opportunities and life choices in the same way as those without disabilities.
Closing Institutions
There are two remaining institutions in Maryland, and People On the Go supports their closure.
Access to employment for people with disabilities has increased substantially over the last few years and the state has taken steps through policies such as Employment First and other initiatives to increase access to jobs. However, people with disabilities still have some of the highest rates of unemployment or underemployment within the state. People On the Go and its members believe that through access to employment, true inclusion is achieved.
People with disabilities are living longer and must have access to medical care that respects the individual right of self-determination and full participation in any and all matters related to a person’s healthcare.
Fair Wages for People with Disabilities and Direct Support Professionals
People On the Go supports equal pay for both people with disabilities and those who support them.
People On the Go advocates for fair, affordable, and accessible housing for all people, regardless of age, level of disability, or source of income.
Access to post-secondary educational opportunities and accommodations is an important issue for all people with disabilities.
Civil Rights
All people, regardless of their disability or other circumstances, must have equal protection under the law.
People On the Go advocates for affordable, reliable, and accessible transportation that meets the needs of people with disabilities.